
by William Shakespeare

Once again, The Hudson Players Club is proud to be presenting our annual Summer Shakespeare, this year may not necessarily be by the Lake, due to current circumstances, but we are planning to prepare a marvellous presentation of Macbeth, directed by Glen Robinson.

Due to current restrictions, this will all be done virtually, through Zoom, each of us at home, and with the intention to present the production either virtually or perhaps at the end of the summer in a stripped down version the park.

There will be no guarantee of a performance. There will be no auditions. You get to choose which role or roles you would like to explore. There is no limit to what you can volunteer for.

We will stick to the same rehearsal schedule: Tuesday and Thursdays 7-10pm and Sundays 1-5pm. We will begin in May for 10 weeks.

All ages are welcome to participate.

If you would be interested to participate, please complete the form and you will be contacted directly via email.

If you might like to assist in more of a production assistance role, please also advise us in which capacity you would like to volunteer.


Do you need the Script?

Participation Form

    Your Name (required)

    Your Email (required)

    (Please note most communication will be via email.)

    Telephone (home)

    Telephone (Cell)


    Role(s) I am interested in


    Please tell us a bit about your previous acting experience:

    Acting Roles

    Three Witches, the Weïrd Sisters

    DUNCAN, king of Scotland

    MALCOLM, his elder son

    DONALBAIN, Duncan’s younger son

    MACBETH, thane of Glamis


    SEYTON, attendant to Macbeth

    Three Murderers in Macbeth’s service

    A Doctor,  A Gentlewoman both attending upon Lady Macbeth

    A Porter

    BANQUO, , with Macbeth, of Duncan’s army

    FLEANCE, his son

    MACDUFF, a Scottish noble 

    LADY MACDUFF Their son


    Scottish Nobles 

    SIWARD, commander of the English forces

    YOUNG SIWARD, Siward’s son

    A Captain in Duncan’s army

    An Old Man

    A Doctor at the English court

    Apparitions: an Armed Head, a Bloody Child, a Crowned Child,

    and eight nonspeaking kings

    Three Messengers,

    Three Servants,

    a Lord, a Soldier


    a Sewer, Servants, Lords, Thanes, Soldiers (all nonspeaking)

    Production Roles